Jul 27, 2015 | NJ Action Coalition, NJNI in the News, Nursing News
NJNI alumna, Maria LoGrippo, was guided in her postdoctoral position at Rutgers University by Edna Cadmus, who provided her protégé with opportunities to lead, including LoGrippo’s current position as project director for an RWJF State Implementation Program grant.

See full article: Advancing_Health_July2015
Jul 2, 2015 | NJ Action Coalition, Nursing News
The long-term care program paired nurse residents with a preceptor for a year-long learning experience. Edna Cadmus, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN, the NJAC’s co-leader, and Susan Salmond, EdD, RN, ANEF, FAAN, co-chairwoman of NJAC’s education pillar, developed the project, which received $1.6 million in funding over three years. One statistic that helped determine that the inaugural class of the New Jersey Action Coalition’s Long-Term Care Nurse Residency Program made a big impact. “We began with 15 long-term care facilities participating and finished with 12,” said Hassler, a clinical associate professor at Rutgers University’s School of Nursing. “If you look at the national average for retention for nurses in long-term care, it’s about 49.5%. We retained about 80%. That’s a major success.”
Read full story here.
May 28, 2015 | NJ Action Coalition, Nursing News, RWJF News
Advocating for the patient, improving healthcare and honing leadership skills are just some of the ways nurses benefit from serving on boards of directors, according to Mary Anne Marra, DNP, MSN, RN, NEA-BC, vice president and CNO at East Orange (N.J.) General Hospital.
Marra should know. She has served on three boards and supports the national Nurses on Boards Coalition’s effort to place 10,000 nurses on boards by 2020. The coalition was founded in November by 21 nursing and healthcare organizations, including the American Nurses Association, American Organization of Nurse Executives, National League for Nursing and Sigma Theta Tau International, with the aim of increasing the presence of nursing on corporate and nonprofit health-related boards.
Read full article here.